Well if you missed it then you missed an AMAZING show. The music and performers were on point bringing the cool.
Jerome the R&B singer was the first to bless the mic handing out roses to all the beautiful women in attendance.
Next Sandman who MC'd the show teamed up with J-O droppin' that classic combos lyrics that went hard and got the crowd hype.
And when it was finally time for the gorgeous models to grace the stage in ABLE ABE summer fashion the house was packed and the runway show ended in an standing ovation.
Then Nytelife kicked off the party right as people hit the stage and dance floor feeling his vibe.
And to finish the night right CAP a recording artist whose album "INSIDE OUT" hits stores and iTunes July 1st broke us off some of that good music and ended the Able Abe Summer Release party better than it ever has.
A special thanks goes out to all who came out to help and also to those who participated in the show to make it as GREAT as it was it is greatly appreciated. And when we do it again I'll know who to call.
Show pics and videos coming soon
And for those of you who missed it better luck next time cause theres nothing like an ABLE ABE party cause an ABLE ABE party don't stop.