So it is Official, our 1st Annual 2012 Calendar has dropped and you can get your own copy here. And a very special thanks has to go to Marie Fuentes for all her work in making the models look incredible, thank you so much.
And if you purchase your calendar now you can get 50% with the sales code: CALENDARSALE , which is only good till DEC. 31st 2011.
Always interested in the creative process of those who have become giants in their own industry. I found this documentary on TOM FORD. He was, or is the man who brought GUCCI back from near bankruptcy, as well as YSL (Yves Saint Laurent). So take a view at this interesting video. Enjoy.
As a creative type, inspiration for a project can really come from anywhere. And sometimes to help those creative elements materialize faster maybe looking through a photo book, going for a walk, or even listening to new music, which is my favorite method, can be the catalyst. What follows, is a couple of up and coming mc's who I've been listening to to get a different take on life, enjoy.
As we looked to put the final touches on our first annual 2012 calendar it seems some how and some way photos were released before they were complete. What does that mean? Well honestly, it only will make us work harder to released the completed calendar before more photos are leaked. So what follows is some of the leaked photos, consider it an early Christmas gift from us to you, enjoy!
With only 10 days left till Christmas... shop KONJO for that hip and cool gift and remember you can find Able Abe Clothing there as well.
In hopes of bringing new content to our studio blog we've been trying a few new things. Check this version out and tell us what you think by leaving us a comment. Enjoy!
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend, and as it is back to the grind here is a little ditty bop to pick up your step. Enjoy! Thanks Katya.
And if you are having trouble finding the right gift for that for that special someone or if ladies you are looking for that killer dress to bring in the New Year check out KONJO located at 112 west 2nd street Chico, Ca ...and did I forget to mention you can find special edition Able Abe prints as well as the Denim Project at KONJO.
So tonight we are headed over to the RAY RAY Gallery to see Jesus. Well, the show is called "Jesus is Coming" don't know really what to expect, but the good people at RAY RAY always put on a good show so we're there. Check out this video, and maybe we'll see you tonight as well the show starts at 6pm. Enjoy.
Only just minutes after wrapping up our last shoot for our 2012 Calendar I am writing this post and just think there was a time when it looked like we wouldn't even get this far. So yes the work of editing and making some selections for what ultimately gets in is ahead and we all are truly excited.
Another shout out needs to go to all those who were a part of this project from the Hair and Make up artist, photo assistants, and the lovely models who agreed to be our subjects. So on to the next as they say and stay tuned.
On the verge of our THIRD YEAR we are intently putting all our effort into producing you all with well made and designed products this holiday season. So check out KONJO (112 west 2nd st. Chico, Ca) if you are in the Chico area, you can find us online at as well as .
I been listening to this group, or artist called the WEEKND and copped the two mixtapes he put out and man, let me tell you good stuff. What follows, is his official video release for the song "The Knowing".
Looking to finish the year strong we've been looking to cross projects off the list and one by one they go down. Some though, try to stick around or make it more difficult to complete and this is where hustling and finishing strong is important just like ABC (Always Be Closing).
Well with the final photo shoots scheduled for our 2012 calendar it looks to be a busy weekend. We are happy though for the great response, assistance, the models, and everyone else who showed support in working on our first calendar project. As we proceed here are some added bits and cool -ish ...Enjoy!
And for those who still don't know where to find Able Abe Clothing in Chico, Ca ...look no further Shop KONJO.
I hope everyone had a great THANKSGIVING, as we decided to forego our regular Thursday and Saturday posts. This week though, has started out with a bang so its back to the grind and what follows is our Japanese lesson for the day, oh you didn't know we were learning Japanese? Now we are! Enjoy!
And what hopefully will turn into a full campaign, but here is the first tell us what you think.
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday thoughts of family gathered around with good food and laughter are the thoughts in our head. I came along this video, it has nothing to do with the holidays, but I do think it captured the season beautifully ...Enjoy.
There is a quote that
says, “If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already
been there. ~ R. Kiyosaki”
In the early stages
developing ABLE ABE Clothing/Studios there was a huge learning curve that had
to be addressed being there were numerous mistakes and over sights that just
were not helping our progress in building momentum as a brand.
So we looked at other
brands doing the things we would like to be doing, those which has inspired us, and
those who were making real buzz in the industry. One of those people was Jeff
Staple of Staple Design and Reed Space, not to forget to mention numerous other
projects and collaborations.
He has become a great influence on
ABLE ABE due to his view points on design, pop culture, hip hop, and keen
business sense. Sometimes we find it is strange someone we’ve never meet clear
across the country living on the Lower East Side of New York could be so
influential to us here in California.
So what follows, is some
video interviews featuring Jeff Staple in his own words telling his story,
personal insights, which shows why he is such an influence on us at ABLE ABE
In the previous post we showed some behind the scenes looks to our first ever calendar for 2012. This project has developed over time with a simple idea of doing something BIG, something that could be repeated and generate some BUZZ for the brand, and this was it. And no matter where it ends up, or how the end product turns out what follows are a few examples of the simple ideas that started it all.
And speaking about BUZZ I've been hearing a lot about this girl IGGY AZALEA, so we checked her out, and found these videos. Tell us what you think, is she the one who's got next?
As the the holidays and the New Year draws closer we are slamming the gas pedal to the max to finish our first ever calendar for 2012.
The whole process has been a great experience for all involved, as well as a lot of work. Yes, we are working with some lovely local models, a master hair and make up artist in Marie Fuentes and a list of assistants who help make everything GO!
So what follows is a few snap shots on location of our last two calendar shoots. Enjoy, as more updates and behind the scene photos to come.
Here another artist I've recently been listening to and got the endorsement from listening to DOM KENNEDEY. His name is CASEY VEGGIES, (Great name) he is another LA native who looks to be doing some BIG things very soon. CHECK EM' OUT!
Well after a day of shooting with two lovely models I would've hope to of have more time to write up a lengthy posts on one subject or another, but I think its time to just celebrate. No its no ones birthday, not a holiday just yet, or even some one's anniversary, its just feels like time to CELEBRATE LIFE!
Today was one of those days you just feel like staying in bed or settling in with a good movie or book. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible today with so much to do, but we did find this video for those of you who could keep it POSTED. LMFAO Enjoy.
As we all do, life is a matter of survival. Sometimes we may not know what to do, so you do what you know. For Able Abe Studios/Clothing and any other future ventures we may pursue, to have success we have to learn from those who came before, which leads me to Steve Stoute and The Tanning Effect. What follows is the first installment of a video series giving you that insider view behind success. Enjoy.
It is officially HALLOWEEN WEEKEND and its time to party, but we didn't want to leave you without something DOPE to vibe to as you pre-game so here is a dude we been listen to in the studio named DOM KENNEDY. Enjoy and have a killer Happy Halloween.
Well as we come back film review, here is on with a bit of controversy.
THE GREAT HAPPINESS SPACE: TALE OF A LOVE THIEF directed by Jake Clennell,produced by Jake Clennell and Iris Jyoung, is the storyIssei (22), The Rakkyo Cafe club owner he has a staff of twenty boys all under his training to become the top escorts of Osaka's underground love scene. During their training, they learn how to dress, how to talk, how to walk, and most importantly, how to fake relationships with the girls who become their source of income. Join us as Osaka's number one host boy takes us on a journey through the complex and heartrenching world of love for sale in the Japanese underground.Written by Iris Jyoung
I really thought this was a great look at a rare underground culture that the general pop. has no idea exists. Furthermore, the relation of how the who sex industry in Osaka in a sense self medicates it self into thinking "Host Boys" are the answer to their problems was intriguing. I really enjoy how this story was developed and how the characters were themselves explained their own life's desires and opinions. So for THE GREAT HAPPINESS SPACE: TALE OF AN OSAKA LOVE THIEF, I give it 4 stars.
Just last night I was one of many who got to witness something SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR, SPECTACULAR and I'm not over hyping it, that's what it was called. Furthermore, it was very SPECTACULAR, OK you got it, but for real the show was that damn good.
My first experince with the famed CHIKOKO Girls was way back in 08' when they did a show for the Fifth Sun's Grand opening party. From then I was hooked, I wasn't always able to attend every show they've had since then, but just the mention of their name had me reminiscing of all the incredible sights of 08's' show.
This time fixed around a BIG TOP or Carnival theme with side show booths, acrobats, animals, and dancers ...oh my this was such a treat and right before Halloween, amazing. So I'm just suggesting to you the next you her about a CHIKOKO Girls show ...GO!!!
Sometimes, I know we get to a place during a project and it seems like there is no more creativity to squuueeezzzeee out of it. Or on the other hand other road blocks get in the way and may be keep us from seeing that the end product is possible with a bit more precise planning and going with what you know.
I know for the 2012 Calender we are working on we went back and forth on whether to do it or not. This was due to attempting such a complex project with so little time, we had to get creative. So what follows is a little video on ways to stay creative ...enjoy the process.
Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks,
breaking rules, making mistakes, & having fun ~Mary L Cook
While surfing the net during a break, I came up on some cool shit that I wanted to share. Now you tell me? Don't you feel like dancing? I know I am. ...Enjoy.
Photo courtesy of:
Donald Glover, musically known as Childish Gambino, has just unveiled one of his earlier creations - a remix of Broken Social Scene's "Hotel" off their self-titled third album which was released back in 2005. The refix was created during Glover's college days when he was still crafting tunes under the moniker Page Turner / mc DJ. Give it a spin below and let us know your thoughts on this.
So with another Saturday upon us I want to wish everyone a
great weekend. As we get back in the major groove of things when I say WHAT’S
GOOD? I really want to know WHAT’S GOOD?
What is HOT! I say that because that is what we are going to share with
you our own brand thoughts on what is HOT! ...Enjoy!
We’ve been hearing a lot about this show called “How to make
it in America”
Looks pretty DOPE! ...right?
We’ve been hearing a lot from Kreayshawn off the strength of
her viral video hit GUCCI GUCCI, which if you haven’t seen it by now, well...
What do you think, does she have longevity in the game, has anyone seen her
live, or is she just hype?
Rhianna... need we say anymore more.
We know everyone has an opinion and we want to hear yours so
please leave a comment.
I don't know how many of you out there are HIP HOP fans, but I'm sure we can agree that this genre of music and way of life has greatly influenced the current culture of fashion, films, and lifestyle. Furthermore, I'm sure we all can agree that having the BEST of any field, work with the soon to be BEST, or second BEST in the same field, you gotta believe they are gonna create the BEST period ...right?
Well I believe that is what happened when Jay-Z and Kanye West did when they came together to create the album "Watch the Throne". Yes, I know that's old news, the albums been out for awhile now and all the remixes are hitting the blogs, and that's cool. I'm not here to talk about the album so much as I am here to talk about the collaboration.
Love em' or Hate em' Jay-Z and Kanye do numbers, they sell records, they've had longevity in the game and they are working with new talent and passing what they've learned on. Yes, they make a great deal of money, but the fact that they are working to make art, wanting to be the BEST, wanting to make the BEST album is something I can admire. I also believe that, that frame of mind is motivate by true passion and love for what one does and I want that for my brand and I want that for my studio. So what follows is a documentary from the making of "Watch the Throne"...Enjoy.
We are back! We took some time out from our regular post to
develop some extended goals and projects we’d like to achieve before the end of
In that time off we were able to see what YOU our great fans
and followers enjoyed most about what we were doing and bringing to you. To
tell you the truth it was an eye opener, so with that said as we develop future
content that is both informative and entertaining, topical and creative we’ll
transition into more of a hot spot on “what’s cool” ...welcome to ABLE ABE
We will still update you on our clothing drops and what’s
hot in our neck of the woods, as well as upcoming events and recaps. We just
felt it was time to expand a little and embrace the culture and design around
us, we hope you Enjoy.
we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."
-Thomas Edison
Understanding all things happen for a reason, and truly a believer in it we came along with this post. After featuring her in a post along with the bohemian lovely Neon Hitch we had to bring you more on the gorgeous UK product Daisy Lowe. In this promo she is the center piece for the SURFACE TO AIR From Dusk Til Dawn. Enjoy!
So here we are week 10 of our Chico Street Style Experiment,
and again much apologies for missing our scheduled post.
First up we have Tanner. Tanner lives locally and is a
student who works in translating website contend so that it is readable in many
different languages. He enjoys shopping vintage and thrift bargain stores to
find unique pieces. The three places Tanner would like to visit before he dies
are Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Tanner is looking sharp and trendy in all black accented with a silver
tie stomping in those Doc Martens. ...GO!
Next is Vikki, Vikki is a student at Chico State a Criminal
Justice Major who is looking toward a career in Law Enforcement. She loves to
shop Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, and Charlotte Rouse. She likes a guy who dresses
“Cowboy Like” Wranglers, Boots, and Cowboy hat, that’s her thing. The three places she'd like to visit before she dies is Italy, Fiji, and Australia.
Vikki is looking colorful in a floral patterned top, a whimsical
owl pendant, crushed brown leather handbag, gold gladiator style sandals, and
lovely lavender painted toes.
As much as I love doing these post there are only a few things that will keep me from doing them. One of them is family. This weekend we had a surprise from my baby sister who just had her second baby Moziz Xavier Friend.
The time we all spent together was great as all the siblings and loved ones got to spend some time eating at the new Jamaican restaurant here in Chico called Sipho's Friday night and spent a lazy Saturday afternoon at the World music festival at Chico State. So for those who participated in this weeks Chico Street Style keep it locked as we'll drop that on Monday.
As we at Able Abe Clothing tighten up the nuts and bolts for our next run into the fall/winter lines we are learning from experience that it pays to do the planning. And I'm not just talking about the line itself, I'm talking photo shoots, stock list, how do we want our clothing to be displayed, all the way down to the littlest detail. And as we get better and better we realize it is because we dearly want to create and produce a quality product. So in this post we have another behind the scenes look from one of the brands we've been following CHECK IT OUT!!!
And don't forget to stop by this Saturday the 17th for our Chico Street Style Post, who knows you could be featured.
With photography as one of my creative outlets I find it interesting to see behind the scenes footage showing all the work involved to make those amazing photos. Here is a footage of a shoot with the gorgeous Kate Upton for Complex Mag. ENJOY!
As we hit another pleasant weekend our week was a busy one,
but now we can relax a bit. With next week being a week of meetings and
planning for the last quarter of 2011 we’re looking to go BIG!
With week 9 up for our Chico Street Style Experiment we’ve
featured so familiar local faces Check it out!
First up we have Rich. When we ran into Rich he was intently
into a phone conversation and snapped a few photos as he talked. Rich is from
Chico and is a professional working as an account manager. He is a die-hard fan
of Black Chuck Taylor’s and classic 501 Levi Denim. Not much for wearing all
brand names although he dropped a few brands he rocks. And as much as he loves
a well-dressed sophisticated woman with pearls and other independent woman
accessories, the one thing that attracts him to a girl is a confident not
arrogant swagger.
Rich is wearing a black pinstriped button down shirt, the
classic Levi 501 button fly jeans, Red G-Shock watch and a pair of the go with
anything black Chuck Taylor’s. ...GO!
Next we have Alberto. Alberto is a CSUC student who I’ve
known for a bit, meeting at a show. Being he was in the pursuit of catching up
with a friend at the market we didn’t get to do a full interview, but I know he is into
acting having numerous performances under his belt in our local area.
Alberto is standing out in a colorful graphic tee, and
impeccably white denim jeans, and a pair of Ed Hardy style low tops, and Boss
Shade. ...Swag!
And finally our only lovely lady in this post, but she is an
important one, this is Lily. I’ve known Lily for sometime now and she is part
owner of KONJO, only the boutique I’ve been plugging for some time now if you
didn’t know. Her boutique is located at 112 west 2nd street here in
Chico, Ca. With a wide variety of hip and cool clothing you definitely need to
check it out.
So Lily is looking cheerful and very sexy in bright colors with
a light yellow sheer tank top, an orange knit mini shirt, floral embroidered strap back wedges,
and gold and orange bracelets and beaded earrings. Too Cute!
Photos by: Kaitlynn Hess
So until next post remember this: Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. ~ Thomas
Edison ...GO!!!