For more from Able Able studios make sure to check out these excellent links , Able Abe photography , Able Abe Z store , Able abe fan page , YouTube Channel.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Been a tough week from the start, but I got these WIPs completed. Dropping the Able Abe Studios Art Share on tgif ...Let's GO!!!
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Cynthia sat in front of a piping hot bowl of ramen noodles from her favorite noodle house King Dun with her mind on Mark. The thoughts that she was thinking were from her point of view understandable, yet if you asked Mark, he'd tell you they were typical or the regular train of thought upon meeting someone in a wheelchair.
As her noodles cooled, she reflected on how charming he was. They had met entirely by chance their worlds colliding at about the middle of aisle 47, both looking for the best pasta sauce. Cynthia had noticed Mark earlier in the store passing by him and giving him a polite smile as he had smiled at her first. No words were expressed at that point as she walked by. It wasn't till they both ended up at the pasta sauce section did Mark engage her in conversation by saying they needed to stop meeting like this.
The icebreaker got Cynthia to laugh, which lead to Mark introducing himself. Still a bit apprehensive meeting someone in a grocery store and giving her real name, but it was the energy Mark gave off that made Cynthia feel at ease. So as they both continued looking at the pasta sauces on display, Mark questioned if she liked cooking looking up from his basket with several items in it on his lap. The two of them on the isle alone, Cynthia replied, She wanted to cook, but she wasn't really any good at it. Mark laughed charmingly, claiming he was the one not really good at it, making self-deprecating comments on his disability, which made Cynthia blush.
Mark then asked as he saw they had both come looking for sauces, which, if any, she had tried or could recommend. Cynthia stepped toward the display and pointed out two brands Mark had never tried nonchalantly scoping her out. She was draped in athletic wear sporting a fit body as if she had just come from the gym. Cynthia then went on to tell him about her favorite of the two brands, or the one, which had given her the best results. She even showed him the list of all-natural ingredients posted on the back of the jar.
They then spent what seemed like a real moment side by side as Mark eventually chose the sauce Cynthia had recommended, which lead up to the ask from Mark if he could get her number. Cynthia blushed again, seeing how forward and charming, yet made the whole interaction seem effortless. Cynthia obliged Mark with a smile punching her digits into his phone. Mark then made another self-deprecating joke on himself that made Cynthia smile even more, and the two began to part ways looking back at each other from the ends of the isle till they disappeared.
It was now the next day, and Cynthia and the piping hot noodles were temped and ready to eat. Deep in thought, Cynthia was thinking about the chance meeting. Her meeting with Mark, a guy in a chair wondering how all of that might work for her. Then her phone rang, it was Mark. She took a breath and gathered herself and answered her phone, letting him know how good it was for him to call.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Susie Bannion is a young American ballerina who travels to Berlin to study dancing at the Markos Tanz Company, one of the world's most renowned schools under Madame Blanc's management. On her very first day, one of the students who had been recently expelled from the school is murdered. As this appalling happening does not seem to be an isolated occurrence, the brilliant new student soon begins to suspect that the school might be involved in the homicide. Her mistrust heightens when Sarah, one of the girls at the school, tells her that Pat, before being killed, confided to her that she knew and guarded a terrifyingly dark secret. Written by Domingo Alvarez
(Courtesy of Internet Movie Database)
For not being much of a horror film addict my selection
SUSPIRIA may seem out of sorts. This 2018 production was not the original
having 2 other films having been made the first coming in 1977. Upon watching
the film I was easily drawn in by its artistic design and entertained by the
story, even surprised by some tense moments throughout the film. The downfall
for me came in the final acts of the film when costume choices broke my sense
of disbelief and had me questioning the entire film. So for SUSPIRIA, I give it
3 of 5 stars.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Another Able Abe Art Share post. This time my process continues with the addition of watercolor ...GO!!!
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
She scrambled between the break room and the sewing room, forgetting twice what she had come for and to where it was. Her mind had flipped when an idea a better idea for the dress she was dreaming up came to her mind on a break. They say inspiration can occur at any moment, and hers came in the middle of a disappointing tuna on rye sandwich.
She just wasn't wowed by what she was doing, almost like she was going through the motions. No spark set her ablaze. So after a particularly awful bit of her sandwich practically enough to have her throw it away, her nose turned up with a sour puss expression. She swallowed it down and looked to the ceiling she saw what anyone else would have seen a darkened watermark from the previous rainy season. Still, at that moment to her, the stain looked like a flower, a flower that she had seen on a pattern that she passed over selecting something more neutral.
She just wasn't excited about what she was working with, and that flower-patterned material was all on its own fabulous. She'd be taking a risk if she switched up her idea now, not knowing if she'd finish in time. Choking down the last bite of her pathetic sandwich became the catalyst that poked her in the backside like a hot brand. She sprung up like a Jack in the box from its box and rushed to the sewing room.
Other contestants were there working on their own not paying her much mind. She looked for her pattern covered like a needle in a haystack. When she found it, she looked it over and saw what changes to make if she went with the flower pattern, and that made it clear.
Her eyes darted to the clock like a dart to a dartboard calculating her time remaining. It would be close a man couldn't get any closer with a straight razor shave than she'd be doing to get her creation completed. Yet she wasn't detoured. She jetted to the fabric store and made it back in time as now all the contestants were at work in the sewing room.
She cut out her material, making sure to measure twice and cut once till what was to be the framework of the dress appeared. She moved like a person possessed working on her dress, seeing it all coming together right before her eyes. Her satisfaction became a glow about her and who knew if she'd win, but at the end of the day, she was pleased and enamored with herself for taking the risk and creating something that made her heart sing.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Monday, January 20, 2020
After losing Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), the love of his life, 4th-wall-breaking mercenary Wade Wilson aka Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) must assemble a team and protect a young, full-figured mutant Russell Collins aka Firefist (Julian Dennison) from Cable (Josh Brolin), a no-nonsense, dangerous cyborg from the future, and must also learn the most important lesson of all: to be part of a family again. Written by ahmetkozan (Courtesy of Internet Movie Database)
Having now had my introduction to DEADPOOL I only thought it
would be appropriate to take in 2018's DEADPOOL 2. In my first experience, I think I didn’t quite get the draw
to this character. I never read the comic and didn’t understand the
universe Deadpool existed in, but after the first film and now the second I
feel I get it a bit more. I would go even further saying that my sensibilities
for Deadpool broadened so much that I had some laughing fits this time around
that kept me engaged as well as entertained although the film itself was rather
mediocre. So for DEADPOOL 2, I give it 3 of 5 stars.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Back with 2 new Art Share WIP to show. Definitely like working in a larger size 9x12 more space to add content and storytelling ...GO!!!
For more from Able Able studios make sure to check out these excellent links , Able Abe photography , Able Abe Z store , Able abe fan page , YouTube Channel.
It wouldn't have been unheard of for him to run into someone he knew in a coffee shop, he knew plenty of people. He was just that type of person chatting up people he found interesting asking them what they did, as they set off an air that told him they were somebody. A perfect example of this was a woman who was sitting at his usual table next to the window, he liked to people watch, and this window was perfect for it. She was dressed in black and white stripes; her hair tightly pulled back so much that it gave her a natural face-lift. She had stern eyes and a look about her that spoke to her ambitiousness in life. She sat at the table, looking deeply into her Apple Air computer, possibly crunching numbers or reading something ineptly.
He stood outside, talking with an old-timer who was a regular and would tell tremendous life stories that could delight anyone. Yet, his primary victims were young college girls finding the coffee shop a great refugee when studying. He continued to wait patiently for the woman looking out of his peripheral to see her close her laptop. He excused himself from the old-timer and moved smoothly to the side of the woman, asking her what she did for a living and that he just needed to know. She explained to him she was in real estate and that her first job out of school was in marketing. He seemed fascinated as she talked, looking her in the eye nodding his head. The conversation was brief; they exchanged names and business cards. She began to glow, having a complete stranger want to know so much about her just out of innocent curiosity. She then exited the shop and walked across the street to another set of shops.
He set his sunglasses, book, and portfolio down on the table. Inside the coffee shop was terribly cold, while outside was terribly hot as the city was going through a heatwave. He sat at the station, slowly acclimating to the new climate. His thoughts were between what to order and faintly on the quick conversation with this random woman. Just as he pulled out a bit of reading material to pass the time till his mind decided to proceed with an order, he saw through the window, an old friend from his University days.
She looked nearly the same, maybe gained a little weight, but in the right places, which only enhanced her country girl curves. He remembered her glacier blue eyes now hidden behind a pair of dark bug-eyed sunglasses. Walking in, she scanned the shop as if she was looking for someone. She wondered if she would recognize him as he searched for her name, "Robin." He dare not say that name lest it is the wrong name, but as he continued to look in her direction, she removed her sunglasses, and with a smile, the connection was there as they recognized each other.
She walked around the table, and he stood up, and they embraced. He could feel the warmth from the heat outside still on her body, as well as her sumptuous curves. She sparkled from her Miss Me jeans, her shimmering blue top, and the impressive glint from her wedding ring. He had always admired her work from their time in school, feeling she was inaccessible; they never truly bonded. They continued to catch up. He looked her in her eyes that were still breathtaking, and he realized her smile was infectious, making him feel as if she was delighted to see him.
She informed him she was meeting with "Barbara" who was their professor at that time some 10 years ago. He lamented on the thought of seeing her again, and within the flash of that thought, she was there. Everyone was smiles, he gave Barbara an embrace, a pro woman kind of professor short in stature, but a mind for design always dressed in black. The trio quickly caught up, and as soon as it began, it ended. He felt good seeing people from his past, letting himself know how far he had come. He never really knew how people from that period of his life truly felt about him losing contact with nearly everyone from that time.
He had taken another path, and it had been fruitful in its own right, but... there was no but's he was happy, and no one really knows how life is going to play out or who are those you'll keep in touch with. This gave him an idea, and he ran with it. He grabbed his pen and began writing, and he let the memories fill page after page.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Saturday, January 11, 2020
A former rodeo star, with a small time life, unknowingly starts
a rapport with a young man who is responsible for the violence that has
suddenly gripped his small town. Every character from his loved ones to his
business patrons plays a part in the unraveling of this community. Our aged
hero must face his relationships of past and present to come up against this
unpredictable predator. (Courtesy of Internet Movie Database)
On one of those nights looking for something to watch, I
found myself taking in the 2017 released film SWEET VIRGINIA. The film had a few actors Jon Bernthal
and Christopher Abbott that I enjoyed their performance in other projects and
hoped for the same here. Upon watching I found myself drawn in by a slow
burning story and the majestic views of British Columbia. In the end this dark
story won me over, but may not have that memorable factor for a second viewing.
So for SWEET VIRGINIA I give it 3.5 of 5 stars.
Friday, January 10, 2020
It has been a minute since I posted this WIP art share, but it is now complete and I am still feeling the watercolor and ink process over the marker and ink. I'll keep at it. Cheers to my first post of 2020 ...GO!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Belinda awoke to the sound of her alarm clock to the start of her new day at 4:15am. Crackling out of bed, her body aching and joints tight, not feeling like rising from her warm bed, she still had visions from her dream even fogging her head.
As she did every morning, she went and started up a pot of coffee and went to the living room where she did a few mornings stretch before getting on her treadmill for a mile walk, sometimes a mile jog or run. Today was indeed a mile walk. She then hit the shower. Today in the shower, as she soaped her body, she thought about the bizarre dream she had with some powerful elements still vivid in her mind.
She saw herself or what she felt was a representation of herself walking through an open window at a certain point. She had a strong sense that being there was a bad idea, so she began running, hoping to get to the safety of the forest on the other side. She began to run feverishly she looked behind her to see 3 representations of people in her life. One was her boss, the other was her neighbor, and the last was a family member whom she had all but forgotten.
Seeing these 3 figures forced her to want to run faster, but the more she tried, it seemed, the slower she became and the closer they drew toward her. Up ahead at the edge of the forest was an actor from a show she had grown up on where the main character was a man from England, who had a thick accent and was telling her, "Oh come on will you and stop fussing about." Upon hearing those words, she began to break away from the gaining trio, and just as she was at the edge of the forest with her actor image, she woke up.
Now showered and dressed, she was just in time for a full pot of hot coffee, which she added sugar and poured herself a cup and poured the rest of the steaming hot coffee in a thermos she grabbed from the above cupboard. As she watched the thermos fill, she wondered what her dream meant. Was there even some explanation as to why she dreamt about these people?
She then left her apartment, still fixating on her dream. The outside world was still dark at 5:10 am. She got in her car and drove to her worksite, a giant box store that contained nearly any item for personal or for home. She was there to open as other workers faced another grinding day of work and customer service.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Set in 1980s Detroit at the height of the crack epidemic and the
War on Drugs, WHITE BOY RICK is based on the moving story of a blue-collar
father and his teenage son, Rick Wershe Jr., who became an undercover police
informant and later a drug dealer, before he was abandoned by his handlers.
(Courtesy of The Internet Movie Database)
Having seen the 2018 trailer of WHITE BOY RICK at the
theater seeing it on the big screen made an impression. Upon watching I found
an interesting film, yet at the same time I felt the storytelling lacked
visuals that would have heightened my interests for this film. Furthermore,
through out the film I questioned if the casting of the main character could
have been better. So for WHITE BOY RICK I give it 3 stars of 5.
Friday, January 3, 2020
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