A short hospital start was a bit of a setback, but now I feel like I can breathe again ...Let's GO!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Saturday, September 11, 2021
Saturday, September 4, 2021
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Saturday, July 3, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Thursday, June 17, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

"The next round is on me." Dr. Riggs exclaimed above the roar of the vibrant club and club-goers. "If there ever were a perfect day, this would be it." He went on as he sipped off of his tumbler of Johnny Walker Black. Dr. Riggs was an older black man who had amassed a sizeable arcane amount of book smarts, but he was no doctor or Ph.D. His knowledge was in the streets, he was a hustler, but his day job was a sports agent.
They had signed the next big thing in sports that day, or so they hoped it to be. The kid was a 19-year-old phenom on the basketball court 6'9 with a savvy court vision and killer instinct. He would be leaving college to take his game to the pros, and it would most definitely be the first pick, but no less than 4th, and signing a substantial size contract for sure. That is where Mr. Riggs came in, having been able to get some huge deals for his clients over the years and had no doubt he'd be able to do it for this kid as well.
He was feeling good the previous month; he had been rough losing a family member and breaking up with a long-time girlfriend as they did not see eye to eye about their future. He hated the fact that it happened, but she called his bluff, and she was gone. So, to say the least, signing the phenom was a bit of good news for both his bank account and mindset.
The night progressed, surrounded by other agents and staff members of the Hustle Media firm. Dr. Riggs eyed the crowd at the 9 Steps club that night with a bevy of beauties in attendance. One, in particular, had caught his eye a blonde in a tight red dress with a fantastic physique moving to the salsa rhythm playing over the massive sound system. Emboldened by the spirits and the wave of emotion of the day, Dr. Riggs left the bar and moved to the dance floor to meet up with the divine beauty that he had to meet eyes with through the night. She was dancing off by herself, and as he drew closer to her, she picked up his gaze and, playing coy, she turned her back as he moved up on her like a stealthy animal of prey. They began to vibe at; first she seemed hesitant, but seeing how Dr. Riggs could match her move for the move, she let him in.
The Hustle Media team marveled and joked at where and how he had learned such dance steps and then began crudely taking bets on how soon he'd leave with the woman. The group at the bar got feisty over the action. Even before the final stakes were set, Dr. Riggs and the woman in red had dipped out. Moving to a darkened hallway to ravenously make out. They then moved to his black Audi 300 super sport parked outside of the club in the lot. Upon reaching his vehicle and getting in, they indulged in each other. Caution was thrown to the wind, and Dr. Riggs felt as if he was back on top of his game, life, and clearly, this blonde-haired woman that he called Rose.
The next morning Dr. Riggs awoke at his apartment a little confused, expecting to see the gorgeous woman he had picked up the night before in his bed or somewhere about his apartment sashaying around in one of his dress shirts, but there was no one. He had awoken alone with faint memories of the events from last night. He then began to start his day showering and dressed, knowing later that day he had a follow-up meeting with the young phenom, his new client.
As he went to make himself something to eat, a knock came at his door. Upon opening it, he saw it was the police. They then asked him his name and preceded to notify him he had been implicated in the murder of a young woman. Flabbergasted, he asked questions anyone would ask when accused of such a crime. They eventually asked him to come down to the station to clear this up, to which Dr. Riggs vehemently pleaded it had to be a mistake. Dr. Riggs made his way down to the station to see some of his own staff, giving a statement to an officer. He began to think things were going out of control fast, so he tried to remember the happenings last night. Things in his head were foggy, but they were there all the way up to meet the woman in red he took to his car that he called Rose after that, it was all a blank.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Thursday, June 3, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Thursday, May 27, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Stanley Wilson rolled into the driveway of his dealership, Stanley Wilson Ford. He sold both used as well as new vehicles, mainly the Ford brand pickups and SUVs. Stanley had been at it for about fifteen years picking up from where his father left off. He had been making a good living at it, but the past six months had found him and the dealership taking a gradual loss each month, and he was determined to come to the end of the year to find the books in the black, and everything paid off.
He parked his Mercedes in the back of the building and walked around, unlocking the doors. He was always the first to show up each day, finding the quiet of the building and the new car smell refreshing. He started up a pot of coffee to brew and sat in his office reading the morning paper; it was 7:30 a.m.
As he read the paper and sipped a cup of coffee, he stopped for a second to look over a fleet of cars on his lot as the rising morning sun sparkled in their windshields and chrome bumpers. He walked back to his desk. As he sat in his brown leather chair, he heard the building front door open and the sound of high heels clicking on the building's parquet floors. I was now just 8 a.m., and a smile comes over Stanley Wilson's face as the sound of clicking heels drew closer; it was office assistant Sally Kern, a wide-hipped curly blonde woman with piercing eyes.
She walked into his office, greeting him with a smile of her own and wishing him a good morning. Stanley walked from around his desk, setting his paper down, and gave her a kiss. Stanley then looked at his gold Rolex on his left wrist, making the comment that Sally had perfect timing, and then the two proceeded to get amorous, taking their clothes off after securing the door and drawing the blinds.
Sally then fell to her knees. Stanley pulled out his already hardened member, and Sally took it in her wanting mouth. After a few pleasure full moments, Stanley stopped her for a pause to run around his desk to pull out a camcorder placing it on a shelf on the opposite wall capturing them in full, and he pushed the record.
These early morning flings had been going on for a month. At first, Sally wasn't into it, but the smooth-talking salesman Stanley soon coaxed her into mildly making out, till coming 30 days later, full-on nude sex acts recorded for prosperity, and late nights when Stanley was alone.
Stanley prided himself on his charm and his sense of being sympathetic, which he felt was the key to convincing Sally a little morning sex always made the rest of the day better. Both now completely naked, Stanley laid out Sally across his desk recklessly pushing files, the newspaper and stationery to the side and ravishingly penetrated her from behind, making them both moan with pleasure as he mugged for the camera gripping her womanly hips balls deep into the trembling snug wet vagina of his office assistant.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
CONCRETE COWBOY (2020) is directed by Ricky Staub, written by Ricky Staub & Dan Walser, and produced by Lee Daniels & Idris Elba. This was one of those films where seeing the trailer enticed me to want to see the film. Although that was the case, the premise of having to deal with cowboys made for a pause. Moving past that due to a nearly all-black cast helped me through.
What I found was a very well-made coming of age story in the inner city. Topics ranged from the progress of a city moving on from horses to young black men searching for a way out of the at times violent city looking for peace or a piece of the American dream.
In the End: CONCRETE COWBOY delivered a solid story with high and low points making for an entertaining watch. At points, the storyline was predictable even though it was based on a true story. So for this film, I give it 3.5 of 5 stars.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
The situation was this Armen had planned a surprise birthday party for his close friend Pete who lived in Medford, Oregon. Armen lived in New York, and they hadn't seen each other in a few years, so the plan was Pete would come to NY and celebrate with Armen and his friends, many of who had known Pete when he was working with Armen at the firm.
Their working together came to a shocking end to everyone as it was in a sense Pete's baby, but over time that changed as Armen began to take the lead and ending up on magazine covers as he became the face of the booming company.
Armen thought about the days before the split as he waited in the airport terminal, looking at the latest flights coming in. Armen didn't want the division to happen. Still, no matter how it cut, Pete became background more and more, and it began to feel like he was just another employee.
Yet the main reason for the split, which took place behind closed doors, was the girl Pete so desperately wanted didn't want him but wanted Armen and Armen her. To the detriment of their relationship and looking to make things right, the board of trustees granted Pete the ability to sell all his shares in the company. He then moved across the country, shedding the big apple city life to start his projects but still watching the business he helped build to grow without him.
Of course, there were hard feelings between the two, but slowly things began to change in both of their futures, till a 40th birthday celebration was planned for Pete, giving the two men a chance to reunite.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
GOOD LIAR (2019) directed by Bill Condon, written by Jeffery Hatcher, and produced by Bill Condon & Greg Yolen. This film has seen the trailer, and it made me curious enough to want to see the film.
In the End: GOOD LAIR did not live up to the expectations I had for this film. So I give this movie 3 of 5 stars.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

"I don't think I am going to enjoy this much?" said Jeremy with hesitation in his voice. He and his girlfriend Rose had been waiting in line for hours and finally reached the front of the line, ready to strap in. Rose was ecstatic, with a massive smile on her face as, by Jeremy's words, you could tell he was having second thoughts.
Jeremy was silent, periodically checking his restraints like an OCD patient. Rose was still smiling; the anticipation for her was all a part of it. The ride jerked forward a few more times, finally filled. Jeremy contorted his neck to see behind him. The ride then jerked into gear, startling him to the point he held his restraints in growing terror.
As in Jeremy's mind, Rose laughed as he imagined how his sexual fantasy coming to reality was worth some dumb ride on a roller coaster if he could survive it. Jeremy could see the conductor switch the lever into the ride position from the corner of his eye, and the ride took off. Not like it had jerked before, but now with a smooth pull. That gave a hint of the potential power and speed needed to drive people out of their minds.
Like any good ride, they started slow, giving the passengers a glimpse of what lay ahead, lulling the passengers asleep with a significant incline stripped of any peace of mind. Then raced down the first step into a hell that seemed endless.
Jeremy caught in that frame of mind, his stomach in his throat gripping the barriers with white-knuckle intensity. Rose was still smiling, flinging her hands in the air with each butterfly in the stomach. Each drop or corkscrew spinning maneuver tickling her down to her toes.
The ride may have seemed like an eternity to Jeremy. And a flash in the pan for Rose. The ride eventually came to a close, hitting the finale to most riders' cheers. Jeremy was not one of those people; now limp having passed out on a hairpin turn, he awoke to jockey about in his seat, stark fear restricting the blood flow to his body. Yet Rose loved every minute of ready to do it all again. As they began to unbuckle and leave the ride, Rose moved energetically as Jeremy took a second as he was still feeling the effects of such a powerful ride.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Brooke Miller was like the campus socialite; all the girls looked to her for personal advice and fashion sense. Pearl was a massive booster club member, planning events all year round to keep the athletics well feed and her schedule full. So to be personally invited to one of these events was a big deal. Not that being on the varsity team wasn't enough; it sure helped that had played well, helping the team to win a game. The underlying theme was consistently winning.
Braxton's problem was he didn't drive; he didn't even have a car. His parents were putting that money into his college fund; he'd have to work if he wanted a car, so he just never applied to get his license or bother studying up. To that end, he had always relied on someone to give him a ride. The night of the party, his parents would be out for their weekly date night, which usually meant dinner and bingo at the YMCA, so that option was out. As for the rest of his teammates, he tried asking, and everyone agreed, but when it came down to it, they rather not, or they had other ideas of how they wanted to spend theIr night and not become a chauffeur.
Braxton was a little hurt by that till one of his mates saw how down he got when everyone began to turn him down. Neville was a teammate who rarely played but was close with Pearl and Brooke and got the invite due to his charm and know-how to be gracious. Neville agreed to pick up Braxton, so relieved that he nearly hugged Neville in the locker room where the male-to-male contact like that was frowned upon.
So the night of the party, Braxton was looking tiptop. His Dad had tied his tie and left it knotted and then left Braxton to wait for his ride. Upon Neville showing up, he was in a shadow grey minivan, jerking to a stop in front of Braxton's house. The driver-side window rolled down, and then came the honk, as Neville shouted out from the van, "Let's go, man! Braxton rushed out from his house and moved to the still running minivan with no idea what would follow.
He got in the van buckled his seat belt over his sport coat and striking red tie. He looked incredible, while Neville was in a pair of shorts and a pale blue oxford shirt. Braxton, now strapped in, turned to Neville, who set the car in drive, and the vehicle sped off, sending Braxton back into his seat like he was fighting against g forces in a Mig 1 fighter jet. From the jump, this was why not many people wanted to ride with him; he was one of those crazy drivers weaving in and out of traffic, gunning the van at a green light and slamming on the brakes at a red. The smile Braxton once had for the night had now switched to a look of terror gripping the door panel handle for dear life as Neville whipped the van around a corner, nearly hitting a traffic sign.
Braxton looked over at Neville as if to say something but only looked at him in hopes he'd see the immense fear that filled him, and he'd slow down or at least drive less like a crazed maniac. From up ahead, Braxton could see a pile of cars quickly come up. Beginning to feel nauseous, Braxton looked to Neville, who zoomed through the pile-up and on down the road. He then made a quick u-turn and jerked it into the park as they had arrived at their destination.
Braxton went for the door, forgetting to unbuckle his belt; he just wanted out, to which Neville exclaimed, "Made it!" in a playful tone in his voice as if he had broken a new record. Braxton finally exited the van, feeling shaky in his legs, adrenaline coursing through his veins as Pearl and Brooke Miller out in front of their home was greeting other guests. As Braxton gathered himself, still nauseous, he and Neville walked up to the house. Walking side-by-side, Neville patted Braxton on his back to which Braxton uncontrollably spewed his stomach contents at the feet of the Miller's whose expression was of utter disgust.
Saturday, May 1, 2021
NIGHT IN PARADISE (2020) is directed & written by Park Hoon-jung. I found this film because my scheduled Netflix did not show up. As it was, I found this film show up on my YouTube feed, and I watched the trailer as I was struck.
Upon watching, I found a very stylistic Asian gangster film with some very picturesque backdrops. What struck me first was the film's pacing and how the build-up made the film that much more entertaining. The film was dubbed, and while I usually don’t like film done in this manner, I appreciated it in this sense as I felt I may have missed out on the charm of the dialogue.
In the End: NIGHT IN PARADISE was an extremely entertaining gangster film atypical to what I may have been used to. So for this film, I give it 4 of 5 stars.
Friday, April 30, 2021
50% off with code FRIDAYOFFERS ends today...



*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
Thursday, April 29, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Ms. Davenport ejected the USB device, her nerves on end as she eyed both the surveillance screens in the room and the door to Mr. Saleuri's office. She was downloading files that would prove her innocence and point the finger at Mr. Saleuri, a Tech giant who had been selling top-secret information to the highest bidder. She just needed to get the info saved on that drive and into someone who could help her. First, it meant getting out of the building, flooding with Federal and police patrols everywhere, having been tipped off by Mr. Saleuri himself.
Ms. Davenport peeked out the office blinds into the hall. It was clear, so she stepped out, and with a brisk pace and not drawing too much attention to herself, she walked the quiet hallway up to the receptionist desk. The girl there smiled as she walked up to the counter; the phone rang. Ms. Davenport walked on by as she could overhear the voice on the phone line, screaming not to allow Ms. Davenport to leave. The receptionist's alarmed eyes met with Ms. Davenport's. Hearing the urgent order over the phone, the receptionist began to rise out of her desk seat to slow Ms. Davenport down as she flew by and disappeared around the next corridor.
Thinking about hitting the upcoming elevator Ms. Davenport knowing the feds were on her, would begin sealing off exits. Hence, she hit the elevator button and triggered it for the lobby. As the doors closed on the empty elevator, the receptionist with building security in tow saw the elevator close, assuming Ms. Davenport was inside; they alerted the feds and other security. She was heading to the lobby on a lift on the westside. This bulletin then ran along with all the radios on that frequency. The ranking officer of the feds, Sergio Mangas, walked into the building, getting himself into some boots on the ground type action headed directly to the westside elevator to intercept Ms. Davenport and the sensitive information she hacked.
Watching the floors tick down on the elevator Sergio Mangas and his men drew their weapons. A bit of apprehension filled the first scene as each officer held an intense gaze at the elevator door yet to open. The level numbers slowly continued ticking down till reaching the last ten when another alert came across the radios that Ms. Davenport was not on the elevator but seen on the southwest parking garage. Hearing this, the feds and the police on the scene began to reposition.
The building was swarming with feds, and Sergio Mangas led his team to the south side parking structure. By then, Mrs. Davenport had entered her parked Mercedes, fired it up, and was now on the verge of escape. She then pulled onto the street, watching a sea of flashing lights moving back and forth, looking to decide which entrance and exit to block off till it was too late as Ms. Davenport had escaped their clutches and was now on her way to the rendezvous spot to meet with her handler. For once, her heart began to beat at its usual pace as she scanned the images that came up in her rearview mirror, making sure she wasn't being tailed, and then disappeared.
Saturday, April 24, 2021
ANTEBELLUM (2020) is directed and written by Gerard Bush & Christopher Renz and produced by Gerard Bush. Having seen DJANGO and coming out with a positive sense, having at one point swearing off “Slavery movies,” I felt what I saw in the ANTEBELLUM trailer was enough to justify my new view.
Upon watching and knowing my hopes for this film, I was not completely disappointed but somewhat confused. The acting performances were solid, yet the story on screen leads you to think one thing, and then a good portion in the story flips, and the oddity takes hold. In that mind frame, I hope to have seen more of how this new direction works, but in an hour and 45-minute film, I know you can only do so much.
In the End: ANTEBELLUM gives an interesting take on the slavery era juxtaposed to the modern-day, but I was left wanting something more. So I give this film 3 of 5 stars.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Thursday, April 22, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
He stood outside, talking with an old-timer who was a regular and would tell tremendous life stories that could delight anyone. Yet, his primary victims were young college girls finding the coffee shop a great refugee when studying. He continued to wait patiently for the woman looking out of his peripheral to see her close her laptop. He excused himself from the old-timer and moved smoothly to the side of the woman, asking her what she did for a living and that he just needed to know. She explained that she was in real estate and that her first job was in marketing. He seemed fascinated as she talked, looking her in the eye nodding his head. The conversation was brief; they exchanged names and business cards. She began to glow, having a stranger want to know so much about her just out of innocent curiosity. She then exited the shop and walked across the street to another set of shops.
He set his sunglasses, book, and portfolio down on the table. Inside the coffee shop was cold, while outside was hot as the city went through a heatwave. He sat at the station, slowly acclimating to the new climate. His thoughts were between what to order and faintly on the quick conversation with this random woman. Just as he pulled out a bit of reading material to pass the time till his mind decided to proceed with an order, he saw an old friend from his University days through the window.
She looked nearly the same, maybe gained a little weight, but in the right places, which only enhanced her country girl curves. He remembered her glacier blue eyes now hidden behind a pair of dark bug-eyed sunglasses. Walking in, she scanned the shop as if she was looking for someone. She wondered if she would recognize him as he searched for her name, "Robin." He dare not say that name lest it is the wrong name, but as he continued to look in her direction, she removed her sunglasses, and with a smile, the connection was there as they recognized each other.
She walked around the table, and he stood up, and they embraced. He could feel the warmth from the heat outside still on her body, as well as her sumptuous curves. She sparkled from her Miss Me jeans, her shimmering blue top, and the impressive glint from her wedding ring. He had always admired her work from their time in school, feeling she was inaccessible; they never truly bonded. They continued to catch up. He looked her in her eyes that were still breathtaking, and he realized her smile was infectious, making him feel as if she was delighted to see him.
She informed him she was meeting with "Barbara," who was their professor at that time some ten years ago. He lamented on the thought of seeing her again, and within the flash of that thought, she was there. Everyone was smiles, he gave Barbara an embrace, a pro woman kind of professor short in stature, but a mind for design always dressed in black. The trio quickly caught up, and as soon as it began, it ended. He felt good seeing people from his past, letting himself know how far he had come. He never really knew how people from that period of his life truly felt about him losing contact with nearly everyone from that time.
He had taken another path, and it had been fruitful in its own right, but... there was no but's he was happy, and no one knows how life is going to play out or who are those you'll keep in touch with. This gave him an idea, and he ran with it. He grabbed his pen and began writing, and he let the memories fill page after page.
Saturday, April 17, 2021
THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON (2019) Is directed and written by Tyler Nilson & Michael Schwartz and produced by Albert Berger. This was a film that, upon watching the trailer, I was excited to see the film. I am definitely partial to Shia LaBeouf as I think he is a tremendous actor as any role I’ve seen him played he killed it. There were even a few unsolicited recommendations that I watch this film.
So, upon watching the film, I found a uniquely developed road or coming of age film. The main character, played by Zack Gottsagen, felt he had a great performance making things light and straightforward as he is a person with Down syndrome. The journey of these characters seemed at once mundane, but as they traveled into more open spaces and meeting other characters, you find how dangerous and meaningful this trip ends up to be.
In the End: PEANUT BUTTER FALCON creates an adventure that anyone can get behind and enjoy. I also felt the performances and chemistry of the core characters added to creating something memorable. So for this film, I give it 4 of 5 stars.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
She tried focusing on finishing dinner for her daughter and her boyfriend. Still, her anticipation for what and how the party on the other end of her phone message would reply was possibly more than she could handle as she was tingling between her thighs something awful.
Five minutes had passed, then ten, then twenty. Brooke was beside herself, thinking that now the message was over the top, too vulgar, maybe insensitive, who knew. She completed making dinner and placed the food for her guests, and then excused herself, sitting out on the porch of her home in case a message came.
It wasn't even five minutes later when she felt she needed to fire off another text to find out what the hold-up was. Her fingers' rapid movement typed up her questioning mood and solidified it with a frowning face emoji.
On the other end of the phone, the message blinked incessantly, waiting for Donald to check it. He was in a heart-to-heart conversation with a woman down on her luck, and rather than break the vibe, he ignored the message; although seeing enough of the abbreviated text, he caught the gist and was highly intrigued by how the rest of the writing went. Upon completing his conversation, Donald looked at his phone to see her messages and fired back. She was pleased and even happier as he told her he would indeed come and see her that weekend.
When the weekend came around, their spirits were both high. Brooke stood at the front window of her home on Donald's drive up intermittently, watching for him to arrive. When he finally made it, she watched him get out of his car and walk up the pathway to her front door and knock before she opened the door. Upon opening the door, she jumped him for a kiss, which quickly turned into a full-on make-out session falling back onto her couch in the living room dry humping to the sound of a quiet house.
He began to tell her that he had a surprise for her, to which her curiosity was peaked so much she stopped her advances completely. She looked at him, her top now off revealing her crimson bra and ample breasts. He smiled and reached for the overnight bag, sensing he had to show her now before too late. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black leather red ball gag, with a bit of "Here let's try this" tone to his voice and look in his face.
She didn't know what to think or say, a bewildered look on her face as if she had to guess what he had brought for her; she'd never have supposed that in a million years. She was a bit afraid pulling back a bit from him, but not to the point she'd overreact asking him whom the gag was for, to which he replied,
"It's for you." and began to rattle off all the possible reasons this might be appropriate and or sexy.
He then continued to tell Brooke how he was going to make her scream with a passion so loud that a gag would be definitely needed going into explicit details about what he was going to do to her; it got her so moist her panties were wet she nearly orgasmed right there on her couch.
Thursday, April 8, 2021
*Studios store: http://ableabestudios.com
*Z store: http://zazzle.com/ableabe
*Blog: http://ableabestudios.blogspot.com
*facebook: http://facebook.com/ableabe
*Instagram: @ableabe
*Twitter: @ableabe
*SnapChat: @ableabe
*YouTube: http://youtube.com/ableabestudios
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

She called up the local Police department on her landline as her cell was still on the line with Nick's phone. She continued to write down some of the jargon she had heard over the phone, like "abandon ship," "10 – 4", "It's me, Lee." She circled that name, as it was the only name she could track as she listened. Once the PD picked up, she claimed she wanted to repeat a missing person hoping for the best. After a few questions, she was told that officers would be en route shortly to take her statement and a few other things.
The officers then looked at the notes she had compiled from what she heard of the conversation on the other end. They then asked about the sounds she heard and described gunfire sounds like two quick-firing fireworks, not wanting to think the sounds came from a firearm. She was holding up well; no tears had fallen, but they had welled up several times, and she would fight them back, wiping away those that rolled out onto her cheek. She feared how she'd feel once the officers left, but for now, she was holding it together to get them everything they needed. The officers figured the best way to get to the bottom of this was to ping Nick's phone and use GPS to find the exact location. Whether or not Nick would be there, they couldn't be sure, but that was the following action plan. She held her breath.
Saturday, April 3, 2021
1917 (2019) is directed by Sam Mendes, written by Sam Mendes & Krysty Wilson-Cairns, and produced by Brian Oliver. As a major fan of war films, it wouldn’t take much to interest me, but the trailer of 1917 proposed an intriguing premise that I knew at some point I would be watching this film.
Upon watching, I found myself easily engaged in the action due to its one-take, constantly moving camera. I felt this technique made you as the viewer feel more in the moment with the characters. I also have to say for a film during a war, it felt very reserved, meaning without all the guts and gore, but you still felt the horrors of war were all around you.
In the End: I found 1917 to be a beautifully made film that washes over you from the beginning and takes you on a relentless journey, never letting up till the end. So for this film, I give it 4 of 5 stars.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
As she did every morning, she went and started up a pot of coffee and went to the living room where she did a few mornings stretch before getting on her treadmill for a mile walk, sometimes a mile jog or run.
Today was indeed a mile walk. She then hit the shower. Today in the shower, as she soaped her body, she thought about the bizarre dream she had with some powerful elements still vivid in her mind.
She saw herself or what she felt was a representation of herself walking through an open window at a certain point. She had a strong sense that being there was a bad idea, so she began running, hoping to get to the safety of the forest on the other side. She began to run feverishly. She looked behind her to see three representations of people in her life. One was her boss, the other was her neighbor, and the last was a family member she had all but forgotten.
Seeing these three figures forced her to want to run faster, but the more she tried, it seemed, the slower she became and the closer they drew toward her. Up ahead at the edge of the forest was an actor from a show she had grown up on where the main character was a man from England, who had a thick accent and was telling her, "Oh come on, will you and stop fussing about?" Upon hearing those words, she began to break away from the gaining trio, and just as she was at the edge of the forest with her actor image, she woke up.
Now showered and dressed, she was just in time for a full pot of hot coffee, which she added sugar and poured herself a cup, and poured the rest of the steaming hot coffee in a thermos she grabbed from the above cupboard. As she watched the thermos fill, she wondered what her dream meant. Was there even some explanation as to why she dreamt about these people?
She then left her apartment, still fixating on her dream. The outside world was still dark at 5:10 am. She got in her car and drove to her worksite, a giant box store that contained nearly any item for personal or for home. She was there to open as other workers faced another grinding day of work and customer service.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Saturday, March 27, 2021
MALCOLM & MARIE (2021) is written & directed by Sam Levinson and produced by Ashley Levinson. I was intrigued by the trailer and was rather excited to see this film because it starred two young and up-coming actors of color in Zendaya and Johnson David Washington.
Upon watching, I found an interesting film presented in black and white, which was a refreshing look. The premise of the film, as I watched, developed organically as the relationship depicted. Furthermore, as the drama progressed, I felt closer to the characters played extremely well by both actors.
In the End: MALCOLM & MARIE I found it to be an entertaining dramatic film with promising acting portals. So for this film, I give it 3.5 of 5 stars.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
The evening was slowly approaching on another day. This day happened to be Friday, and Myrtle always watered her plants on Friday evening in the yard of her suburb home with her husband, William. The two were a long-time elderly married couple with grandchildren who had children of their own. Myrtle and William were retired, living out their lives in peace.
Yet the mundane retired life had its perks as well as its nagging cons, one of which was its lack of excitement at times. Every day could seem like every other day when you got sunk into a routine. Myrtle was a retired nurse who now took to being the nosy neighbor, always eyeing other neighbors in their driveways, wondering what they were up to.
Other than her plants, she'd water were her neighbors directly next to her, and William perked her curiosity. Myrtle's attention toward them was a bit more than, say, the neighbors across the street or the other side of their home as they were also an elderly retired couple. The intrigue went even more profound as these neighbors were new to the neighborhood and were an interracial couple with a black man and an Asian woman.
A slight breeze cooled the Friday evening as Myrtle watered her plants. She was still having reservations about her neighbors. They weren't loud or messy, and when they got mail for the Howard's, Myrtle, and William Howard, they'd politely drop it by. Myrtle didn't know what to think, and soon with the desire growing to search out something, it won. As she finished watering the last of her plants out front Myrtle took the sideway around her house to the backyard. Which was closest to the neighbor's house, separated by a cedar fence. She walked, hearing some playful banter and giggling with a splashing of water.
Reaching her backyard and starting to water the plants there, she listened to the conversation next door. It grabbed her attention further as she tried to be respectful, but it was too late and too tantalizing. What she was hearing sounded like words from one of her romance novels. She dropped her pitcher and walked inside to her husband William, who at this time of the evening was smoking his cigar and sipping something smooth and dark as he listened to his favorite records. Myrtle explained to him that the moment she had expected was currently happening. William begrudgingly went with her to look or listen. He didn't know what, but Myrtle was quiet, so he was too and just listened.
The talk they could hear over the fence was a bit more amorous and, at that time, more explicit, which drew Myrtle up to the cedar wood fence peering through the gaps with her best eye in hopes of catching something, then she saw it. She watched the interracial neighbors having sex in their hot tube. Her sight grew more prominent as her heart raced. She said nothing to William, who was on his own cloud, till Myrtle compelled him to take a look at what was all the commotion.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
SWALLOW (2019) is written & directed by Carlo Mirabella-Davis and produced by Carole Baraton. I selected to view this film off the strength of the trailer. The premise was so engaging that I had to see how this film was going to pan out.
Upon watching, I found a film that seemingly had a lot to say among an interesting backdrop. I felt this backdrop framed a notion of the 50’s fundamentals or lifestyle without saying it, which spoke on how the characters developed through the film.
In the End: SWALLOW presented an intriguing story that leads all the drama throughout. So for this film, I give it 3.5 of 5 stars.