Welcome in to a revamped PHOTO SHOOT FRESH. In today's PSF we are shooting a lovely model, Rachel Lindsey, who did her own hair and makeup for the shoot. At the time of the shoot Rachel was training for a swimsuit competition spending lots of time in the gym and eating right. This was our first official shoot together, she did very well and is always so nice. A great joy to work with. Take a look at the photos for yourself and see her body of work. Assisted by Producers Kikuyo Chyrsler and Tricia Hutchinson. Enjoy!

So a great BIG congratulations goes to Rachel, as this past weekend, like we told you, she competed in the Miss Chico Swimsuit competition. Here is a photo pulled from Rachel's own FaceBook wall. Looking Great Rachel!
And now don't forget to join the blog and check out these great links ableabestudios.com, Able Abe Z store, and Able Abe Photography.
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