Welcome to the 2016 Calendar from Able Abe Studios. This year's calendar also features photos from guest Photographer Barbora Buzinskaite (Instagram @freelow_barbora). She brought with her two gorgeous models to shoot Laura Marie Boots (Instagram @ Laura_Marie2011) and Sarah Yvonne Coover (Instagram @Sarah_serenade).
This year's calendar shoot took place at the picturesque Tree reservation in Chico, Ca. Assisting on the shoot was our fantastic Producers Kikuyo Chrysler and Tricia Hutchinson. An extraordinary BIG thanks goes out to everyone who helped with this project. Prepare to have a great year. Enjoy! -MJ

And if you or a friend would like to be featured in an upcoming Photo Shoot Fresh contact us via email at ableabestudios@gmail.com or call 530.591.3857 and ask for Marc. And don’t forget to check out these other great links from Able Abe studios ableabestudios.com , Able Abe fan page , Able Abe z store , and Able Abe Photography