Wednesday, November 20, 2019


It didn't happen all at once, nothing this tragic ever does. It's not like a car accident or randomly getting mugged as you walked down the wrong street. This was slow and methodical, this took time. 

This all started with a few simple decisions that on his or her own, seemed like it wouldn't matter either way. Yet those choices became routine. It's not going to hurt. I'll catch it later, thinking you can quit at any time. 

These are the phases that make it seem all too benign, but again as it becomes routine, it's like the sun rising and setting you to become used to it, almost expecting it. At its worst, you are expecting it, dare I say craving it, but for others, the fact that it has become so routine it is hard to see it for what it is. 

The sad part is when others can see that it is a problem and some will say something and others won't, while some will encourage it using it as a way to get what they want from you. Others even seem to care yet don't want to get mixed up in a mess. And rather than being a strong force against your unwillingness to see what you are doing to yourself will set you up with whatever you crave just to keep you quiet, to keep from getting dirty or even just to keep the peace. 

Hopefully, for someone going in this direction, they have someone who will stop them from eventual destruction because this road only leads to one direction when you've gone so far. If your the type that doesn't heed the warning, it is hard to say if you'll make it out, although if you do prepare to face your demons, those voices that thrive on your pain and want to keep you there. 

What am I talking about? I'm talking about rock bottom the place a great few have to go to before they realize they have a problem. The place some have to go before asking for help. The place some go who get there and stay too long and never get to tell their story of recovery. 

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