Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Oh shit! The year that has tested us all is finally coming to an end. 2020 was, for many, a trying year. Yet before you view this as a rehashing of things that pushed us to our limits in 2020, think again. As we go into 2021, this piece shares three things we can realistically do to prepare ourselves for the way of life to come.

Thanks for stopping in, and as I've mentioned, I will share with you three things I think are vital and realistically speaking ideal after a year like 2020 that we can do to start this new year off right. Off the bat, please give yourself a hand for making it this far. We've lived through a year that has tested each of us in one way or another, and still, some things just changed the whole game entirely. With all those things in mind, let's look at the three things we can do to prepare for 2021.

HAVE GRATITUDE = Rather than moving into the new year with a list of tired resolutions that soon becomes obsolete, or we detach from due to lack of discipline. How about we focus on being grateful for the opportunity to see another year. We've lost so much in 2020, from loved ones, our social norms. And in some ways, the connection with our fellow person. And with all of that and some more pilled on top, I believe if we come into this new year with a powerful sense of gratitude to start, again knowing what we've gotten through, the hope is this new growth in humble gratitude we will reap a harvest that will surpass anything we went through in 2020.

MAKE PLANS = From my standpoint, coming with some strong vibes of gratitude from our first step in preparing for 2021 only better helps solidifies our chances the plans we make will come to fruition. And I don't know what plans you may be thinking about, be it for yourself, your family, or business, but get crystal clear in your mind's eye what that may look like and put forth some action steps to make that happen.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY = When things began going haywire in 2020, it was easy to lose hope and probably easier to stop holding ourselves accountable for the choices we made. Yes, a lot of it seemed to not be faults of our actions or worse out of our control, like living life under quarantine. There were even some 2020 meant being in a triggered state all day every day. And as we start the New Year, there will still be some lingering effects from the year. So I ask you to pledge to hold yourself accountable for your choices and how we react to the things that may happen around us and those we love. Being mindful in this way, we can keep ourselves in check and give us a greater chance to succeed at whatever we do in 2021.

So that has been my view on three things we can do realistically to prepare as we move into 2021. I hope this list has given you some things to think about or reflect on. Ultimately, however you react to this, I'm glad you made another year, and I hope 2020 was a year we never forget, but learn from and get better. So until next time, God bless, and I will see you on the flipside ...Let's GO!!!

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