Wednesday, December 9, 2020



At some point, if you live long enough, you've been hurt to some degree. And in a world of individuals, someone is bound to take your feelings for granted, which may lead to further hurtful situations. Yet the remedy to this is not by hardening your heart not to get hurt, but quite the contrary. In today's piece, I will be reviewing a chapter from the book The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida entitled Live with an Open Heart Even if it Hurts.

So as I have shared with you so far, the superior man must live with an open heart, even when it hurts. I have read and reviewed this book on my YouTube channel and highly recommend giving it a read. If you like to find out more, follow the link here BOOK REVIEW.

So getting back to it, I know for some of you this sounds outrageous, and you are probably thinking, "Someone hurts me, I'm hurting them right back, or be damned if I let them hurt me again." In this frame of thinking during the pain, it is a denial of man's true nature. A superior man is free in feeling and action, even amidst great pain and hurt. To better understand this, I look to this passage to explain how the pain manifests.

"Notice if there are times when you find it difficult to look into someone's eyes, or times your chest and solar plexus become tense and contracted. These are signs of an unskillful reaction to hurt."

Being this is your reaction to being hurt, you are trapped in your self-protective tension, no longer a free man. Yet, it can be controlled and through practice in this sense, as the chapter states.

"Open the front of your body, so your chest and solar plexus are not tense. Sit or stand up straight and full, opening the front of your body, softening your chest and belly, wide and free. Breathe down through your chest and solar plexus, deep into your belly. Look directly into the eyes of whomever you are with feeling your pain as well as feeling the other person."

My point here in sharing this is to, yes, give you some food for thought, and help you understand what it means to become a superior man. That said, I leave you with this.

"To act as a superior man, a samurai of relationships, you must feel the entire situation with your whole body. A closed body is unable to sense subtle cues and signals, and therefore unable to act with mastery in the situation."

Hopefully, what I've shared with you today has given you some perspective and even something to think about. I have also reviewed another chapter from the book The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida you can find here. Well, thanks again for stopping in, and until next time have a blessed day, and I will see you on the flipside ...Let's GO!!!

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