Sunday, January 24, 2010

Staying Persistent & Consistent

Make it thy business to know thyself, which is the most difficult lesson in the world.
-Miguel de Cervantes

As we enter the last week of the month of January I see myself really paying attention to my thoughts, how I'm feeling, and if I am feeling in a negative way what is its cause and how can I change that. Through out a day I may begin that dialogue with myself a few times a day and it has really kept me on track with thinking positively and staying focused on my goals. My morning papers matched with my mind movie has also boosted my mornings giving me that shot to really get after the day and I must say I've been pretty damn productive in January. Rewards do help, I've at the end of a good week treated myself to either a new t-shirt or two and even a night out for sushi. I think this week it may be a movie "The book of ELI" "Legion" or that shirt I saw in the mall the other day... hummm its a tough choice, but we'll see how the week goes.


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