Wednesday, May 27, 2020


He looked outside to see the downpour ever-increasing making him want to call the whole thing off. He continued to contemplate the decision not to head into the growing storm when he looked into his fridge seeing bits and pieces of what was to be a well-stocked fridge ready to entertain guests the following night. Torn between that and the pitch he was developing, he found himself in a bit of a moment of paralysis. He looked at his watch it read 8:30pm. He had been home since 5pm forgetting to head to the grocery store on his way home was now clearly encroaching on his evening's plans. 

He figured now he'd just have to bite the bullet and make the run running the pitch through his head, venturing to the store to make up time finalizing the entire thing as he pre-made a dish and appetizers for the dinner party for the following night. Still in his work clothes charcoal slacks, a corn flour blue oxford, and a red knit tie. He then put on his London Fog trench coat and left for the store. 

His mind was on the pitch he was to give in a matter of days looking for the angle that would hook the client on his idea of hosting an event to gain traction for their company. That is when he remembered he had forgotten the list of items to purchase. Exasperated, sensing the way the day was going, he'd declined to fight back through the rain to head back up to his apartment. As he had already got situated in his vehicle, he stayed the course. He told himself he'd figure something out once getting to the store, knowing how he could be in a store eyeballing everything. So he mustered up the will power to continue starting up his pearl Lexus and headed to the store. 

He needed them to trust him for them to see his point of view, as the thought about how to persuade the clients he began talking to himself saying "I need to prove to them this is for the people." He said this stopped at a light the rain steadily coming down, dancing off the illuminated street. At the same time, the event needs to sound fun, something that would draw a crowd. This thought came to him as he pulled into the grocery store lot. He parked and prepared himself for the nasty weather outside. He felt the event would need some form of social lubricant to be it a bit of wine and spirits or caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea as they came with many fewer drawbacks than the consumption of alcohol. He had been at several office parties and gatherings where people definitely overindulged. So he made a mental note of that as he popped open his car door and made a run for the front door. 

Inside he shook himself dry like a dog fresh from the pool. The store was somewhat still a few customers milling around, as the night shift remained focused on their nightly duties. He pulled up a cart and began thinking of ways to promote this event granted the client took it up. At about that moment, as he walked up to the first isle did he give thought to what it would be that he'd serve to his guest at his dinner party. So he began thinking of those he was inviting, and what they may like, and one by one item began entering his mind. Something begins to appear to be too complicated, as with only a handful of things at his apartment, added ingredients would be needed to make the dishes worthwhile. He continued to browse using the guests as his catalyst. From there, his basket began to slowly fill while in the back of his head the developing pitch touched on how he would promote the event, be it part radio, TV, and print it needed to be right for the client. 

By the time he had realized the last isle had crept up. He had filled the cart with items to host his dinner party, and he had gained some insight on how to create a pitch his client would go for. He moved to the cashier, a young woman in her late teen's early twenties chewing gum she rang him up he paid. At the door to leave, he saw it was still raining somewhat hard, so he again braced for the weather to get his bounty home safe and sound. Upon making it back home, he looked at the list securely attached to his fridge door. He had gotten more than the list required and even an extra bottle of Californian Merlot that was highlighted on the list as very important, he found one in his cabinet. That is when he vowed to himself to never go to the grocery store without an agenda.

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