Wednesday, October 28, 2020



I came across this quote, looking back at an old book I had read. The book was The Mindful Athlete. The author George Mumford accredited with helping Michael Jordan reach championship status. The quote I am talking about is, "What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become." In today's piece, I will talk about this quote, what it means, and how this way of thinking can affect our lives.

I believe that our thoughts and words have power, especially when we put intention behind them. I know for many people when they hear talk like this, it seems a little far fetched. Having read the Mindful Athlete by George Mumford and reviewed here on my channel, I recommend it to anyone who'd like to go deeper into this way of thinking, so check out my review here, BOOK REVIEW.

In this piece, though, I would like to focus on this quote, "What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become." To help decipher this quote, I want to introduce the Rice experiment. If you are not familiar with this experiment, here is a preferably well-made video on the topic RICE EXPERIMENT VIDEO.

If I had to explain this experiment, if you took cooked rice and put a portion of this rice into three containers and labeled each container, one loved one hate and the last container with no label. And in one month, proceeded to praise the loving container with your words, speak hateful things to the hate container, and said nothing to the non labeled container; you'd find some interesting stuff at the end of the month. What you would find is that container-spoken love and praise would still look reasonably good, even eatable. The container spoken hate and ill will to would become moldy rancid and not eatable. And lastly, the non-labeled container not spoken to would have the start of mold and not eatable.

So what is happening here? The experiment was initially done by Dr. Masaru Emoto using water. He found that based on the words spoken, the crystals in the water when frozen would look magnificent if spoken to lovingly, crystals in water spoken hate to were ill-formed and ugly, while water not spoken to showed no real change. This experiment proves words spoken with intention have power.

And now you probably thinking, why is this important to know? It is essential because if you go back to our quote, it says, "what you habitually think" or even say "largely determines what you'll ultimately become." Think of it like this, how many of us have negative thoughts or negative self talk that we use throughout the day? Telling ourselves we're idiots, we're not good enough, or that no one could love us. I know there are times we use talk like this is to be self-deprecating, and that can be charming and humorous, but if we took a good look, what is the dialogue saying?

My point then is this believing our thoughts and words have power would benefit us. It would benefit us to subdue any negative or hurtful self-talk and turn it into a more positive and loving dialogue with a positive outlook, which, as the quote directs, will significantly determine what we'll see in our lives.

I hope this was helpful to you somehow, as I know it has helped me think about the thoughts and words I use. So God bless, and I will see you on the flipside ...Let's GO!!!

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