Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Photo credit: Alexander Beck, "Man at table."

There wasn't much more he could do, as he just sat, realizing he would be the only one showing up.  The table was empty except for him, and for most people, this would be devastating. Yet, he reveled in the opportunity to be uncomfortable feeling everyone's eyes on him whispers through other tables looking at the guy eating and drinking by himself. 

Not only that, but he had been there the week before the same table at about the same time waited on by a lovely young waitress with a sweet voice. He really didn't expect to see her again, what would be the odds Friday would be part of her regular work schedule. The odds were pretty good as soon as he was seated by the night's host. She came up to say hi. 

In a flickering of a second, he realized who she was smiling big. She questioned him on making it back, and he shyly agreed the place was up to his standards, feeling he should have something more provocative or flirtatious he stuck with that response. She smiled back anyway and told him it was good to see him. With that, he felt even more secure in his skin if the people he was meeting with bailed on him. 

Eventually, his waiter showed up, disappointed to see it was a male he retired all the possibilities that he'd get to enjoy the presence of the young woman he had tipped so well the last time. He set a time in his mind that if no one showed, he'd place a food order. His phone lit up. It was the people he was to meet, sending him a notice that they wouldn't be showing up. Their reasoning was weak, much like how he began to feel about them as an individual. 

So with that cleared up, he saw what was ahead of him for at least the next hour digging in and resolving to have a wonderful time alone. His waiter came back around, and he asked what he suggested, and that is what he selected. In the process of waiting for his food, he finished the last of the beer he was so delicately nursing till the crew arrived and now knowing they were going to be no shows he was looking to tie one on. 

At one point with his waiter nowhere in sight, he caught the eye of his waitress from the previous week. She walked by with a tray of drinks for another table, and on her way back, she quietly asked if he'd like her to find his waiter for another drink. He was pleased by her attentive gesture with his mouth full of beer from the last sip he awkwardly nodded his head in affirmation. With that, she zoomed off like a buzzing bee to find him refreshment. 

Waiting, he wondered what this act of her could mean he stayed mindful of the entire situation he had found himself in. Thoughts of he weren't worth being a friend with crossed his mind, and he fought with it, finding the belief that he was. Knowledge of self-made him realizes that he was worthy if they couldn't see it, then it's on them. Obviously, some people do, as he came to that resolution, he felt more relaxed blustered by new confidence. 

At that moment, both his current waiter and Carissa came back with his drink. He thanked her profusely in front of the male waiter and watched her walk off, smiling. Then placing his order and enjoyed it. He saw Carissa buzzing around the rest of the night, but as he went to leave, she was nowhere to be found, and he vowed that moment to come back another time and see if she was in.

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