Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Mr. Helsinki looked across the table at his lawyer and his confidant Laura Jones as they looked over his plans for his next adventure. Both of their faces were tight in the examination of every detail. As they would finish with one page, they would lay it face down on the tempered glass table. Mr. Helsinki quite the world traveler had gone on many adventures, but this one was to top them all. 

He was the out of the box type having gained his fortune with pure determination and a way for not taking "No" as an answer, but turning it into a yes. Even if Ms. Jones and the lawyer came up with a reason for him not to set off on this trip both his will and likable character would immediately work on them to see things his way. 

His lawyer sat there speechless looking at a line of type with his naked eyes and then he'd look at Mr. Helsinki with an exasperated gaze and continue reading. Mr. Helsinki then at that point got up from across the conference room table and walked to the window taking in the panoramic view from the 55th floor and the bustling city below. The view from the top, Mr. Helsinki would say, is lonely, but definitely fantastic. Only a few men had or could relate to him, as most people were so entrenched in the daily grind that they never look up to see what they might be. 

He stood relaxed with his back to Laura and the lawyer as they poured over the many paged document. With his gaze out the window at a point far out past the city coastline he imagined the elements to make this adventure a reality. In his mind, he could reverse engineer the steps and think on possible snags that might occur before they mucked up the actual workings of the plan. As he delved deeper into thought his surroundings seemed to disappear, he was no longer caught up in a concrete, glass and metal building he was amid his mind a moment of sheer flow energy that transcended space and time. It was trance-like moments like this that had helped him envision the company and companies he was running now. The adventures he was envisioning now was something only his current success could afford him, and the sooner he could get to really work on the better. 

Mr. Helsinki stayed in that flow moment putting pieces together in his head when he felt a hand on his shoulder and then heard his name. Slowly he turned around, and his presence came back from his mind space to the soft features of Ms. Jones's face. She smiled as she had realized that she had interrupted Mr. Helsinki from a trance state recognizing the expression on his face. Slightly glazed over eyes yet a pleasant smile on his face. "We finished." She spoke again to Mr. Helsinki whom by that point seemed to be back from his state of thought. They both walked back to the table and sat down. This time Laura sat next to Mr. Helsinki with the proposal in front of them on the table. Mr. Helsinki smiled ready to hear the verdict on his outlandish adventure. 

Ms. Jones and the lawyer with his spectacles on looked at each other deciding who would speak first when the lawyer offered Laura to go. She cleared her throat and gathered herself crossing her legs in a charcoal pencil skirt.  Looking at the proposal and back at Mr. Helsinki searching for the words she started out with "This seems like a very ambitious adventure." To which Mr. Helsinki replied that was the point. The lawyer then chimed in "Frankly I don't know what is going on in your head, but I am sorry there is no way we can ensure you for a journey like this!" Mr. Helsinki smiled looking at both the lawyer and Laura. His only reply was to say that he had an idea and they might not see it just yet, but that he was going to work and see that plans are made. He then tapped the table twice hitting the tempered glass with his pinky ring and jovially got up from the table and walked out of the conference room. The lawyer was dumbfounded with a touch of frustration as Laura was secretly turned once more by the type of man Mr. Helsinki was playing at a level most couldn't even imagine.

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