Wednesday, May 29, 2019


"But put on your crown, my Queen, and we will build a new city on these ruins," Andrew said this with complete and utter faith in his heart as he stretched out his hand to Nadia who was kneeling at his feet completely devastated having been turned asunder by Curtis, the man she so desperately loved. Feeling both heartbroken and confused as to what to do next she looked at the outstretched hand up from the gallery floor of Andrew with a tinge of anger feeling he was the lesser of a man than Curtis, but she also knew he had secretly pined for her and was so attentive to her every need. She'd have faint dreams about Andrew, although she loved Curtis, about how being with him would mean so much for her self esteem and the fun they would have. 

Curtis was not like this. A better than average looking man with an arrogant side. He came from a well off family and was in line to take over the family winery once his father passed it on to him. This as his heritage and a mix of white privilege made for a nasty entitled demeanor that at first was appealing to Nadia, but given time wore on her as she came from a middle eastern descent, but was born in the states. In their three year relationship between her and Curtis, she feared it would come to this, but never really believed it would really happen. 

Andrew, of African descent, a close friend of Curtis she had met after dating Curtis a few months talking to each other from the jump sharing similar tastes in things such as a love of music, reading, and adventures too unique to explain. When it came to Curtis, on the other hand, he could be much like his father his nose in business financials looking for the next thing that would improve dividends. It was a fluke of a meeting that she ran into Curtis on a good day where his likable qualities were on display, and it was the same moment she fell for him. 

Still on her knees, on the floor in a finely woven jersey dress looked up at Andrew. His hand still outstretched, looking at her with soft, caring eyes anticipating her to grasp his hand at any moment. A gesture that would symbolize more than just gentlemanly chivalry, but that she would now be choosing to take up with Andrew and forsake Curtis after what had just transpired. 

Nadia took in a breath. Her body had taken a bit of a jolt upon falling to the ground, but it was more her ego and all the passes she gave Curtis that was hurting her more. It would all be so much easier to take up with Andrew if her heart wasn't involved keeping her from just switching sides. She began to brace herself, giving her time to decide what to do. She knew Curtis would move on if he had not already behind her back, but if she denied Andrew so defiantly as not to take his hand up after knowing how he felt about her and the life they could possibly lead she didn't know if he'd be able to bounce back. Denial and embarrassment would be too high. 

She looked down, knowing Curtis had stomped off in a blaze of explicative and unintelligible words. Nadia had the slightest of thoughts of Curtis coming back and apologizing. Feeling if she made a decision too hastily Patrick would walk in on her taking Andrew's hand.  Even at that would she take him back as he so clearly stated he was done with her and pushing her aside to which she lost her balance and fell to the gallery floor she'd be foolish to take him back. 

Maybe Andrew wasn't the right choice either.  He'd have to understand she'd need some time and perhaps she could just start up right then and there, Andrew a man more after her own heart who was offering to crown her as his Queen. And building a new "city" on top of the ruins of the old. The choice was hers, all hers. 

She looks away from the hallway where Curtis had exited and the space on the floor just before her and then to the still outstretched hand from Andrew, smiling as he gestured again for her to choose him. With so much still unresolved, she felt some relief as she looked into Andrew's eyes and reached for his hand, and he raised her up till she was firmly on her feet standing tall. 

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