Friday, August 25, 2017


Time drew closer to the day he'd have to give notice at the steakhouse, while his neighbor scheduled a meeting with some of the financiers to talk and taste test some of the items on his menu.
With the truck being repaired and updated the idea once a dream was coming together. He looked over the menu and was rethinking the whole thing as his nerves were becoming an issue. As a kid he had had asthma attacks many times brought on by intense situations. Back then his mom would gently rub his back and tell him everything would be alright. Without his mother around he closed his eyes and just tried to quiet his mind from all the worries. After a while he was able relax feeling confident. 
He began to think back to his menu realizing he had created something that would set him apart from the rest of the food trucks he had seen around. Granted the gourmet grilled cheese truck that had set him out on this track was good, but he had created something even better. 
He met with his neighbor on a neutral ground reserving a spot at a local Co-op with a kitchen to meet with the financers. He cooked as they talked giving some of his background and the work he had done before. They even asked about why he was finally willing to take this new adventure. He then recounted his steps from the day he fell to his knees at a random Church looking to the heavens for guidance.
Upon plating the items on the menu he smiled proudly to what he was servicing the three financers in front of him. He claimed the menu was a list of delectable items that you could eat on the run and still taste the comfort of home naming the business IONA'S, as that was his mother's name. 
The financers were pleased with the menu, his presence and the story he told him about how he ventured out in life and eventually had to come back to something he had wanted to do for so long. Each investor then agreed to the terms and his dream continued.

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